How do I sign in with Google?
Go to the Sign in page and click "Sign in with Google." When prompted, enter your Google credentials, and if you have a valid account on Portmoto you'll be automatically signed in.
How do I sign in with just my email?
If you don't want to use your Google account, you can have a “magic link” sent to the email address associated with your Portmoto account. Go to your email and look for an email from that says “Sign in to Portmoto.” Click the “Sign in” button to automatically sign in to your account. This magic link remains active for one hour, and it can only be used once. If the link expires, simply enter your email address on the Portmoto sign in page to have a new magic link sent to you.
How do I link my Google account if I signed up with just my email?
Sign in to Portmoto using a magic link. Once you're signed in, click on the account icon in the upper right hand corner of Portmoto and select “Account.” Click the “Link my Google account” button and follow the directions on your screen. Once complete, you can sign in with your Google Account or have a magic link sent to the email associated with your Portmoto account.
Can I add as many work samples as I want?
What kind of files can be uploaded?
How do I add work from Google Drive?
How many skills should I tag?
Do I need to answer all the reflection questions?
Can I change a piece of work after I put it in a portfolio?
Can the same piece of work be placed in multiple portfolios?
Can I publish a single piece of work as its own portfolio?
What does it mean to “verify” my work?
Who can verify my work?
How do I request verification? How do I know if the work has been verified?
Does my work need to be verified?
How many portfolios can I publish?
Why are portfolios limited to three pieces of work?
What's the difference between a published portfolio and a draft portfolio?
Can I “unpublish” a portfolio?
How long can a recorded video be?
How do I update my public profile?
Can I remove the Contact button from my published portfolios?
Why should I create a portfolio?
How is Portmoto different from other portfolio tools?
What type of work should I put into my portfolio?
Are the reflection questions important?
What should I say in my welcome videos?
Why should I create different portfolios for each college I'm applying to?
Can you guarantee that college application reviewers will look at my portfolio?
Where should I put my published portfolio link on my applications?
Can I use Portmoto for scholarship competitions?
Can I use Portmoto for graduate school applications?
How much does Portmoto cost?
Do paid plans renew automatically?
Can I use Portmoto after I'm accepted to college?
What is a “founding partner school?”
Portmoto is a service of PBLWorks.
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